To all who visit this site My name is David and I am the Jr. High pastor at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills. In starting this part of our blog my prayers is that as a Jr. Higher you would be able to dig deeper into the Word of God and share it with the world. Sunday and Wed. should be nothing more than a spring board that would launch you into your own personal growth, study and walk with Jesus Christ. We will do all that we can to assist you as you grow in the grace an knowledge of our Lord and Savior but the closest we can get you is His front door… you must open and accept the invitation. Within Matt. 11:28-29 Jesus Himself promises rest for your soul, purpose for your life and that He will teach you… In Jeremiah 29 we are told that if we seek Him with all of our heart we will find Him. He has much to say, please listen. I am praying for you as you grow and walk in your faith!!!
Q: Is the world going to end in 2012? A: No... Many people for a variety of reasons are beginning to think that the world is going to end in 2012 however that goes against what the Word of God teaches. (Side note, the Bible has yet to be wrong) Though no man knows the day or the hour when Christ will return for His church we do know that He is coming... however once he comes via the rapture there is a time of judgment called the Tribulation. The Tribulation will last for 7 years at which then ushers in the millennial reign or thousand year reign of Christ on earth. So... even if the Lord came back today there is still a guaranteed 7 years left prior to the destruction of the world putting its earliest date in 2017... 5 years later than 2012. (This does not account for the 1000 year reign and full obliteration of the heavens and earth.) For more info on the Tribulation read the book of Revelation. Q: What is the difference between Satan and the Devil? A: Nothing but terminology and description… they are the same being. Satan OT (Refers to him as the arch enemy of God) Satan NT (known as the “accuser”) ie. The accuser of the brethren... Rev. 12:10 Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, "Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down. The term or name “Satan” is found in both the Old and New Testament while the term “Devil” is only found in the New. Devil: a demonic being, false accuser or slanderer
Timothy's Corner
If you need a quiet safe place to do your homework or you desire to know more about the Bible and who God is join us on Thursdays from 3:00pm-5:00pm @ “Timothy’s Corner” located upstairs in the Jr. High room. We have quite a few study tools as well as computers and internet… Weekly we will be teaching you how to dig into the word on your own and find the answers to questions you may have. See you there -Pastor David